Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

How to make an Apple in Blender

Firstly, we open up Blender and we’ve got this default appearance of Blender. (click images to see details)

We don’t need the box right now to create the apples, simply just right-click it to select  and press ‘X’ then hit ‘D’ or ‘Enter’ to confirm delete. But we do need the camera and the lamp though.
To begin we just add an UV Sphere in a Mesh category (press shift + ’A’, is a shortcut to showing the add menu or you just can select the add menu on the top left corner).

Now, we’ve got the ball, now go to Object tools section below it there is a Add UV Sphere section.
Then we change both the segments and the rings of the UV 4-1 Sphere into 16 (default values are 32 and 16).
Go to Edit Mode by selecting the object and press TAB because we’re going to edit the vertex of the UV Sphere.
We select this section of vertex (by right-clicking each one of vertex while we hold down the shift button) and press ‘G’ then press ‘Z’ to grab the selected vertex and to move it on Z coordinate.
Edit the vertex until we’ve got this result and same for the bottom of the apple too.

Edit the lower section.
Leave the Edit Mode. Then add a Sub surf modifier on Object properties.
And the result would be pretty much like this. Don’t forget to turn on smooth shading on Object tools.
Now, we add some material and texture to the object. You can find those two sections on Object properties.
To add material or texture just simply click ‘+ new’. Then change the diffuse color and edit color intensity to 1 and specularity to 0.2

After we finished with material section now we are going to add some texture. The procedure to add the texture is as same as we add the material to the object, just click ‘+ new’. Change the type of texture to image or movie then on the image section we just browse and locate the proper image for the object. After we got the image, then we go to mapping projection and change it to sphere (as we’ve got an UV Sphere as our selected object). Try to render the image by pressing F12.


Next time we are going to add another apple and create the bowl. Thank you for your attention!! Happy Blendering :D

texture source

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